Friday, June 18, 2010

Would you think this was wrong?

I watched the Tyra show yesterday and there were 4 girls on there, 1 white, 1 black, 1 asian, and 1 hispanic and these girls were judging other ones based on what they thought was beautiful when it comes to skin color, hair, weight, heigh, and other features. the comments they made were very hurtful. one gurl said her culture thinks have Dark skin is "dirty'' and having white skin is "pure and beatuiful" why do these concepts still exist today, it's sad. another girl was being judged for her nose, the black girl said her nose looked like a Gorilla's nose, isnt that mean? i thought she was pretty.......if you watched the tyra show yesterday you would know what I was talking about

Would you think this was wrong?

i had to watch tyra at lunch yesterday its the only channel we get and i work with two girls but yea that show was pretty whack i mean how are they gonna choose one woman to represent an entire race of people??? the girls i work with are white and were absolutley disgusted by the white woman on the panel...they disagreed with most everything she said.... i didnt find it to be very accurate or for that matter very interesting.

Would you think this was wrong?

It's wrong to judge someone on their skin color or body shape. You can't control your skin color. I think that you should only judge someone by their heart.

Would you think this was wrong?

if white is pure, how come so many of these girls spend so long on sun beds and fake tans?

ignore the stupid few!

Would you think this was wrong?

I didnt like it was wrong

Would you think this was wrong?

Its sad that you would watch such crap when you could be doing something worthwhile with your time

Would you think this was wrong?

no one has right to judge ,thats very superficial

Would you think this was wrong?

Well dear..if in any case..before judging others..we got to check ourselves first before doing so..jus remember when we judge others.. God will always judge you back ...Believe me He does..

Would you think this was wrong?

nope dont know dont care but yes it is wrong to judge someone on looks alone

Would you think this was wrong?

I totally agree with you. I think it is so wrong that that attitude is being rewarded by putting them on air. I really hope Tyra was not encouraging this. That really sounds like a step back from where we are trying to go with this whole judgementle mentality.

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