Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

light brown hair, ivory skin, %26amp;%26amp; carmel highlights, help i need all my make up to stand out!!! Espeacally eyes!! b/c they r kind of slanted....WOULD THE CAT-EYE LOOK work for slanted eyes (i have no asian history at all)

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

I have large green eyes, so maybe I can help. I use pinks, purples, and teals. I put a light pink all over, with a grapey purple in the crease, and I use teal eye liner. I also use a grape colored eyeliner when I get tired of looking at teal

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

i'm not a fan of the cat-eye look, try different golds and some coppery tones. maybe some purples too.

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

I don't really know what the whole cat eye thing looks like. WIth your colors, I'd use brown and gold tones. I think that would look the best.

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

Purple looks great with green eyes. As far as how to do eyeshadow I put a light color all over and then get a small eyeshadow brush (not that Styrofoam thing they give you) and using that work a darker version of whatever color you use into the corners and crease of your eyelid. There are videos of people putting on makeup on youtube so if you want to see it search cat eye makeup or something

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

purples make green pop and salmon / pinks do too

if you want the cat eye go on youtube and type in cat eye makeup and they can show you how. but stick with purples a bright or dark purple make green eyes greener if you line the inside of the eye with them

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