Sunday, June 20, 2010

What is Black and White?

Okay, why the label of black and white? I once heard an interview with a female sportscaster (Jayne Kennedy, I believe) who classified herself as a 'caramel cream' and another black female as 'dark chocolate'. I knew a mixed race gentleman who referred to himself as 'cream in coffee'. As a caucasian female, I am deathly pale with light brown hair, but my hub is olive complected with dark hair and dark eyes. I have met people classified as 'black' who are fairer than he is, so what determines 'black or white'? I much prefer the survey form question that asks: Asian, Indo-european, Mediterranean, African and Semetic as a choice of ethnicities rather than a color. Your thoughts please?

What is Black and White?

In order for the regular person to understand racial differences, it helps to have a simple term to describe someone of African descent or European descent or Asian or Oceanic or whatever region of the world you may be referring to. The terms Black and White are immediately recognizable.

If you described your friend as Cappucino, you'd probably get some stares. But describe him as Black, and you will be readily understood.

The world is getting smaller and interracial marriage is more common, so the old labels will probably have less meaning over time, but for now, they enable clear communication while remaining for the most part neutral without being racist or degrading.

What is Black and White?

Ignorant pride is synonymous with glorification of Racism.

What is Black and White?

they are two sides of the same coin. they both look beautiful as they are.

What is Black and White?

I agree with you but Black American or African-American how ever you call us but My Ethnic group can't call ourselfs African becuase we are not full 100% African anyways.

What is Black and White?

Well, no one is really "black" or "white," they are colors. I guess some people just use it to describe their skin complexion. Like I am light brown. But I do say I am black, if people ask my race. I think some people are just as confused as the next person...??

What is Black and White?

colour is beyond your choice,so better dont cry over it

What is Black and White?

but many people from india are darker complexion than african-americans, even some africans. there are southeast asians as dark or darker. australasians. how will you define them?

maybe we should all just get those stupid name tags they pass out at conventions, and everyone get to know each other well enough we can get past this describe-the-stranger mindset.

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