Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat prot

I have recently started using heat protection since I started noticing that my hair is becoming very thin, breaks easily, frizzy and have execcisive flyaways... anything that will help restore my hair back to it's pretty, shiny, soft and healthy state? oh and I have Asian naturally curly hair....

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

ok i would not say comb it or brush it that can cause more damage. Start off by swithching out your shampoo, maybe switch to something mild for a week or so, like baby shampoo, this will clean it but lock in moisture . every other day for about 2 weeks pour about 3 table spoons full of extra virgin olive oile into a small bowl, add a spoonful of mayaonaise( i know it sounds gross but it does the trick) massage into hair and let sit about 5 to ten minutes wrap hair in towel, then wash with the baby shampoo. if you can forgo the straightning, then i would say wear it naturaul for about a month trim the ends that split. your hair should be back to normal within a month

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

Wash, comb, take care

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

this is what i do because i dye my hair and use heat on it all the time. once a week i mix half olive oil and half honey. enough to saturate your hair. warm it up in the microwave and put it on like shampoo. wrap your head up in a towel and leave it on for like an hour before you go to bed. shampoo it out and your hair will be shiny and soft.

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

you should get some leave in conditioner. massage your scalp everyday to stimulate growth. maybe like 3 minutes a day. and if you can't stop putting heat on your hair. try to reduce it as much as possible.

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

stop straightening and use some high quality shampoo and conditioner, also a leave in conditioner as well. Let your hair dry natural and maybe think about using a product that will enhance your curl and go curly for a while.

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

I would stop straightening it for a while and keep trimming it.

deep conditioner too.

Your hair is like a rope and you have to keep it from unraveling, but once you have unraveled it there is no turning back (you can put stuff on it in the mean time) but you will have to cut it off.

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

Nioxin thats the only cure i know for damaged hair

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

pantene has a fairly new line called restoratives. i also have damaged hair and i have used these. you should also keep dying and any chemicals to a minimum.

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?


Have all of your hair cut off and shaved to your scalp. Then start all over again letting the hair grown. But this time take care of your hair.

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

Start using deep conditioners and cut as much off as you can stand. Make sure you always protect your hair and let it grow out.

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

A complete head shave should do the trick.

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

theres no going back! i have the same problem go to a slan and ask professional advice, i think they have treaments for it but nothin will get rid on dry hair unless u shave it of n let it grow agen lol may be expensive but anything is better than dry hair

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?


How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

ok first of all whatever you do DONT USE PANTENE. the only reason that stuff makes your hair look shiny and silky is because its like pure wax on your head. it is really bad for your hair. ok now that that is taken care of the best thing you can do is go get like 2 or 3 inches cut off your hair and then start using a high quality shampoo and conditioner. it might be a little expensive but you dont want to use anything really cheap or anything from a grocery store because products from a grocery store or a place that isnt a salon are usually left over products and arent going to be good for your hair at all. as far as straightening blowdrying and curling it start using a heat protecting product for your hair before you apply any heat to it. also to cut down on heat maybe dont blowdry it let it airdry. and buying a GREAT flat iron like a chi is actually better for your hair because they have a greater heat output, that might sound worse for your hair but its not. if you have a flat iron that isnt that hot you have to use it on the same strand of hair mulitple times to get the same effect that a hotter product could do in one time. hope this helped!

How do I treat my badly damaged hair due to years of hair straightning and curling without heat protection?

Natural homemade remedies-Do Hot oil massage, protien

treatment and put fruit pack

once in a week for a healthy hair growth --- read all about it --


Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

light brown hair, ivory skin, %26amp;%26amp; carmel highlights, help i need all my make up to stand out!!! Espeacally eyes!! b/c they r kind of slanted....WOULD THE CAT-EYE LOOK work for slanted eyes (i have no asian history at all)

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

I have large green eyes, so maybe I can help. I use pinks, purples, and teals. I put a light pink all over, with a grapey purple in the crease, and I use teal eye liner. I also use a grape colored eyeliner when I get tired of looking at teal

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

i'm not a fan of the cat-eye look, try different golds and some coppery tones. maybe some purples too.

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

I don't really know what the whole cat eye thing looks like. WIth your colors, I'd use brown and gold tones. I think that would look the best.

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

Purple looks great with green eyes. As far as how to do eyeshadow I put a light color all over and then get a small eyeshadow brush (not that Styrofoam thing they give you) and using that work a darker version of whatever color you use into the corners and crease of your eyelid. There are videos of people putting on makeup on youtube so if you want to see it search cat eye makeup or something

Makeup Help for Bright Green eyes?

purples make green pop and salmon / pinks do too

if you want the cat eye go on youtube and type in cat eye makeup and they can show you how. but stick with purples a bright or dark purple make green eyes greener if you line the inside of the eye with them

Getting pure white hair?

Ummmm Ne one have ne idea how to get my hair pure white? heres a pic to let you know how white


that or even whiter

i know about bleaching, but i don't know how to so i left with nothing

ne one got ne ideas or alternatives?

just incase it matters im asian with black hair

Getting pure white hair?

To get white hair I highly recomend having a stylist do it. And just warning you, since you have black hair, dying your hair to this extent will be extremely bad for your hair.

Getting pure white hair?

impossible. there is so way to go from black to white.

Getting pure white hair?

not possible. sorry. if you talk to hair dressers they will tell you the same thing.

Getting pure white hair?

alright, you're gunna have to bleach it a lot.

and please don't do it at home. go to a salon and get it PROPERLY done, or else your head will burn so much you'll cry. (true story)

it'll also make your hair feel completely DRY and like hay and will be incredibly damaged.

there are no alternatives besides wearing a wig. C:

Getting pure white hair?

Are you ready to lose your soft shiny silky hair?

Here it goes.

There's a packet of Quick Blue from Sally's Beauty Supply.

It looks like this :


Bleach it with that.

Don't leave it in more than 45 minutes.

No matter what color it turns to.

You'll probably get medium darkish orange hair.

your scalp will probably turn blonde.

Then you'll have to wait 2 weeks to 1 month %26amp; bleach it again.

Then you'll get a blondish-orangish color.

if it's not already white.

You'll have to wait a month to bleach it again.

Why dont you get blue streaks.

Buy blonde extension %26amp; dye them blue.

Black %26amp; blue is nice :D

What can a guy with REALLY curly hair to straighten it/ also stlye it?

My hair is incredibly curly and I am tired of it. I hate having to always getting it cut short because that is the only thing I can think to do with it. Is there something a stylist or whatever can do to make it look less thick, frizzy, and basically curly? Or something that I can do? I'm not looking to get super straight hair like an Asian person's hair but maybe like wavy or something. I dunno, I would just appreciate your tips for a guy who wants to be able to grow his hair long and it doesnt always have to look like it is growing out.

What can a guy with REALLY curly hair to straighten it/ also stlye it?

Have you ever tried growing it out longer? sometimes growing curly hair out can force it down and make it more wavy. Or get an afro, those are always fun

What can a guy with REALLY curly hair to straighten it/ also stlye it?

Get it permed straight.

What type of bangs would look good on my round dark face?

WHAT type of bangs?

- i am asian

- i am not that dark, infact not dark at all, but i am not white

- i wear glasses

- i have black hair + brown eyes

- i have a really circlish face

- i am tall

- i am not thin but not fat, i am average


i thought u might ask........

What type of bangs would look good on my round dark face?

I think you'd look great with short, side bangs. Side bangs are great because you can change them into regular bangs by just moving them onto the front of your forehead. So cute!!! Hope this helps!!!

P.S. Don't worry, you gave just enough info that I got a great picture of what I think you look like!

What type of bangs would look good on my round dark face?

Sorry, no picture, but long thin bangs. Just covering the top of your eyes. This way you're not stuck with them and can sweep them to the side when they're annoying. Plus they'll look super cute.


What type of bangs would look good on my round dark face?

How about something like this one:


What type of bangs would look good on my round dark face?

You should get a classic bang you know the one that goes around your face

Am I model material?

~ high cheekbones

~ 5'8"

~ dark brown hair %26amp; brown eyes

~ Asian American

~ 13 years old

Am I model material?

i saw you pictures.

No honey

Am I model material?

Yes, you sound like it to me!

Am I model material?

It sounds like you would be great, you should try, but always put your schooling first though.

Am I model material?

i would say yea but pretty much anyone can be a model if they want to but yea based on that description totally

Am I model material?

well, ur only 13, but i think it would be a good career path to consider. modeling agencies are looking for models of different backrounds and cultures and there aren't enough asian models out there so represent! plus ur tall, and u have high cheekbones so yea i think u'd make a great model!!!

Am I model material?

If you didn't list your weight because you are reluctant to...then no...probably not.

That doesn't mean you aren't gorgeous.

Am I model material?

The only really important thing that you listed was your height. The cheeckbones are good, too, but a lot of models have similar breast size, hip measurement, and waist size. I don't think that you've given enough information to know if you're model material or not, but any way you spin it, you're more than a model.

Am I model material?

why are you asking us?

omg... i saw the pics... you are really, really gross looking.

You don't even have enough confidence to take a normal-in focus picture.........How are you ever going to be a model??

Keep it in your pants, stay in school.

Am I model material?

yea but def would have to see picture i model part time its fun

Am I model material?

that part doesnt really matter im 13 too and but u have to hav a pic of yuu cause mabye youre eyes are too close together or something stupid and they wont want u to model for them :[

and u should put a pic uup too

Am I model material?

Well of course! You sound beautiful so go out and get discovered! You have my greatest blessings!

Am I model material?

have you thought Tyra Banks and Angela Dickinson? Top Model is for you!!! They Need A tall Asian Model!! stay away from idiots and let your parents be there

Am I model material?

Most likely, you sound very "Beautiful", according to your profile, but honey, the best way nowadays, to get noticed is to get your personal friends and or family to do up a "Portfolio" of your pictures every which way, indoors and outdoors, to show "Tyra Banks" just log onto her site......http://www.tyrabanks.com.......and go from there...to get on her next top model show....... Good luck with this hun!! To be honest I've asked my daughter over and over again why she doesn't model she's 26, and wears a size 1 in pants, and she's 5'9" tall, blonde blue eyed, and just absolutlely "Gorgeous!!!" But she chose Real Estate, over modeling because she said she didn't know if she could handle all of there "Critisism" and I understand her feeling this way, because my sister %26amp; I both were "Models' in the "70s" for a 'private company' no "Big names, and they turned out to be just too overwhelming about the perfectionism!!! My brother who just recently came down for a visit, wanted my youngest daughter to get into modeling!! And we argued all night, about it, and he's a firm believer I could easily find someone ligit, online!!! But, I wouldn't trust anyone online to do any such thing with my daugher!! I'm too protective of her!! But I do have a "Portfolio" of her already, and that's where my brother thought she should model, when he saw this "portfolio" I made up of her , for her!! Should she ever, decide in life when she's legal age to do so! I myself never want to explicit my own daughter in anyway, shape or form, she has to be old enough to do this for herself ...... Otherwise, Good Luck to you hun!! Its' a tough business, you have to be willing to take on critisism in every way!!!

Am I model material?

112 lbs at 13? a bit heavy for a model.

also, am i the only one who looked at your pictures?

sorry, not model material.

Am I model material?

yeah probably. but in the 3rd picture you can see your hairy armpits FYI

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black

i really want to get highlights but i wanna do it naturally

how do i do it?

im asian and my hair is black but sometimes there a brown tint to it

will the product sun-in work because i keep on hearing about it?

will it damage my hair?

if i use it on my black hair, wat color will it turn?

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

lemon juice will give it a red tint.

sun in will turn in ORANGE and it WILL MELT if you decide to put ANY other chemical on it.

go to a professional and have 6 or 7 foils of level 6ash with 20 volume developer put in. 2 on each side and 2 or 3 thru the top.

cost should be between 25 %26amp; 50 dollars.

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

Spend alot of time outdoors. The sun will lighten it for you!

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

you can never get a light brown shade on asian black hair unless you bleached it.

you can go red easily but its next to impossible to have light brown hair unless you were born with brown hair to begin with

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

i heard lemon juice works....but you have to sit out in the sun and let it add to the effect. and just being in the sun will bleach it some...but you'd have to get alot of sun.

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

The only way I know how to lighten hair without dyeing it is with lemon. Squeeze lemon juice onto your hair, then go out in the sun for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair. It should naturally lighten it.

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

i guess the best answer for you is to go to the salon and ask them as i have no idea about anything to do with hair although i have a lot of hair myself

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

no, no never sun in...don't try to do it your self...unless you don't like your self...check out walmart's inside, smart style salon, they usually do great highlights...and request someone with experience, it only cost a dollar more...a seasoned hairdresser...and request foil wrap, NEVER the cap, that is for people without experience....talk to them about the color you want...you are worth the money, you'll need to get that redone about every three months....also check out Sabestian products while you are there, sure they have lots on sell, but that is just for people that don't care, in other words, they really couldn't give it away...Sabestian makes about 20 products in hair care...it is the very best...good luck...p.s. never use lemon juice, or anything..go straight to a stylist, Asian hair is so pretty when it is treated properly...

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

Use Henna . its a herb . it can condition you hair as well as colour you hair as you said. there is no side effects as it is natural. It is a bit messy . try it out at a beauty parlour

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

Never use sun-in! It ruined my hair, and my hair sylist yelled at me because it's very unhealthy.

How do i get natural highlights or my hair more light brown without dying my hair? (my hair is black)?

bleach it
